Pre-competitive mood in brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes


  • Ricardo Brandt Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste)
  • Edilson Hobold Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste)
  • Maick da Silveira Viana Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC)
  • Fábio Hech Dominski Universidade Estadal de Santa Catarina (UDESC)
  • Guilherme Guimarães Bevilacqua Universidade Estadal de Santa Catarina (UDESC)
  • Bruna Turczyn Universidade Estadal de Santa Catarina (UDESC)

Supporting Agencies


Humor, Lutas, Psicologia do Esporte.


The present study aimed to evaluate the mood state and associated factors in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes before they took part into a competition. It consisted of 84 male athletes, with an average of 29 years old. The instruments applied were Brunel´s Mood Scale and a questionnaire to characterize the participants. Data collection was done during an international competition. To analyze the data Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. The athletes presented low confusion, depression, anger and fatigue, moderate tension and high vigor. Health self-evaluation and weight satisfaction were associated to confusion, the better self-evaluation is less confusion he presents. Athletes who are satisfied or would like to lose weight presented greater confusion than those who wanted to put on weight. Rest quality was associated to confusion, anger, depression and his vigor. The less rested the athlete feels, greater is his depression, anger and confusion, the more rested the athlete is, better is his vigor. Regarding sleep quality, there was an association to confusion, vigor and depression. As poor quality sleep is, greater confusion and depression, the better the quality is, greater is his vigor.


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How to Cite

BRANDT, R.; HOBOLD, E.; VIANA, M. da S.; DOMINSKI, F. H.; BEVILACQUA, G. G.; TURCZYN, B. Pre-competitive mood in brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes. Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 13, n. 1, p. 21–30, 2016. DOI: 10.36453/2318-5104.2015.v13.n1.p21. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.