Burnout syndrome perception in futsal referees
Psychology, Sports, Burnout, StressAbstract
Background: Recurrent psychological pressure and demands for high performance may negatively influence the referee’s psychological health. This stress overload can make referee prone to the burnout syndrome known as burnout. Objective: The present study aims to compare the perception of burnout in futsal referees in relation to the educational level, the level of arbitration and the time of arbitration. Methods: 41 futsal referees with a mean age of 41.85±11.47 years, belonging to the Futsal Federation of Pará (FEFUSPA), participated in the study. The “Burnout Inventory for Referees” was used, composed of nine items that associate the three dimensions of the syndrome, and a demographic questio-nnaire. Descriptive statistics and the Mann Whitney U test (p≤0.05) were used for data analysis. Results: There were no significant differences in the perception of burnout dimensions in relation to the studied variables. Conclusion: The variables educational level, arbitration level and arbitration time do not interfere in the manifestation of burnout syndrome in referees.
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