Mental health and physical activity practice in quarantine: a theoretical discussion essay
Mental Health, Pandemic, Physical ActivityAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To discuss the ways in which a state of quarantine and social detachment, for reasons of a pandemic, changes the habits of the population and impacts on the mental health of people in the context.
METHODS: The present study intends to be a theoretical discussion essay, with explanatory / analytical designs, which uses recently published and indexed articles, to identify the negative and positive points of social detachment and quarantine, as well as to discuss its effects on mental health. It is also intended to argue in favor of the practice of physical activities, as a tool to reduce tension and anxiety, so characteristic of the current pandemic scenario.
RESULTS: Considering that a situation of social detachment, or quarantine changes the habits of the population, it is also verified that changes in routines emerge feelings of frustration and boredom, in addition, the lack of physical and social contact causes feeling of isolation from the rest of the world and distressing those who experience the phenomenon. A strategy to combat the negative effects on mental health resulting from quarantine and social isolation, is the practice of physical exercises. Among the benefits of physical exercise for mental health, it has been shown that regular physical activity is associated with decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety.
CONCLUSION: Knowing the psychological impacts that are generated in this period, and making an association with the studies that demonstrate the benefits of physical exercises, it is possible to say that the practice of activities can be an efficient coping strategy, however, specific studies must still be performed.
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