Reflections from a teaching formation: school physical education articulated with environmental education
Orienteering Sport, Physical Education, Environmental EducationAbstract
BACKGROUND: The text presents the approach on continuing education with teachers from Rio de Janeiro Municipal Education Secretariat (SME-RJ) based on experiences with the “Orienteering Sport” that motivated the formulation of an interdisciplinary proposal to be developed in School Units.
OBJECTIVE: Seeking to analyze the possibility of an educational action between School Physical Education and Environmental Education through a pedagogical practice with the Orienteering Sport.
METHODS: Two teaching courses were offered, distribution of didactic material (Pedagogical Guide to Orienteering Sport) for the development of practical classes in School Units, and the possibility of two external classes in natural environments for the practice of sport. The Physical Education teachers who participated in this formative process made an assessment of the experiences provided with the Orienteering Sport inside and outside the School Units.
RESULTS: Teacher training enabled successful experiences with the practice of Orienteering Sport, both in the school environment and in the natural environment. For teachers, the experiences enabled reflections and discussions on interdisciplinary work for socio-environmental issues and unprecedented experiences immersed in natural environments for students.
CONCLUSION: From the opportunized experiences and positively evaluated by the teachers, the importance of expanding and deepening the pedagogical proposal was understood. Thus, the Coordination of Curricular Extension Projects (CPEC) of Municipal Education Secretariat (SME) plans and organizes itself to develop Project #MAPA&AÇÃO, aiming at the materialization of pedagogical actions that intrinsically relate education, sport and sustainability through Orienteering Sport.
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