Passion and exercise dependence in bodybuilding athletes
Bodybuilding, dependency, Sport Psychology, PassionAbstract
OBJECTIVE: Study’s aim was to analyze the passion and exercise dependence in bodybuilding athletes.
METHODS: This study has a descriptive correlational. Subjects were 35 athletes (25 men), practicing resistance training in Maringá (PR) gyms. The Passion Scale and Exercise Dependence Scale were used. Data analysis was performed through Mann-Whitney’s U, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman Correlation Coefficient tests (p<0.05).
RESULTS: Results revealed that the bodybuilding athletes were harmoniously motivated towards their sport, and they were classified as nondependent-symptomatic for their practice. It was noted that males seemed to spend more time dedicated to the physical exercise practice and that harmonious passion had an inverse correlation with the continuous dimension of exercise dependence.
CONCLUSION: It was concluded that bodybuilding athletes practiced the sport in harmony with other daily activities, presenting joy and pleasure towards practice and, although nondependent, they presented dependence symptoms such as increased tolerance to training loads and tension when deprived from the exercise practice.
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