Gymnastics for All and experienced bodies: a dialogue between gymnastics and other physical activities




Gymnastic, Experience, Elderly


BACKGROUND: Gymnastics for All (GfA) has been consolidating experiences in the most different socio-educational contexts, increasingly reaching heterogeneous participants. In Brazil, a country where GfA is strongly associated with University Extension, we have observed in recent years its development with the elderly public. 
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyse the experiences of participants of the GfA project entitled “Gymnastics for Experienced Bodies”, from the “Programa UniversIDADE” (Unicamp), and the possible relations with the participants’ previous experiences regarding other physical activities. 
METHODS: In this case study, structured interviews were made with nine participants of the project. The data analysis was carried out based on the Content Analysis methodology. 
RESULTS: The results indicate that the participants’ previous experiences are concentrated in two subcategories – “Fitness” and “Mind-Body Exercises” – being mostly done individually. Eight out of nine participants said they noticed significant differences between their previous experiences and their participation on the GfA project. The differences pointed out were, mainly, on the pedagogical proposal that guides this GfA project and on the consequences of this approach: the creation of social bonds with other participants, the possibilities of adapting movements and their techniques, the promotion of social skills through cooperative dynamics, and, finally, the coach’s role as a facilitator whilst learning new movements and skills. 
CONCLUSION: We conclude that GfA can contribute to the demands and interests – social, physical, and psychological – characteristic of the aging process, allowing the practice of gymnastics in a flexible, motivated, and powerful way, mainly regarding the constitution of social ties.


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How to Cite

CONTESSOTO, G. S. de M.; MENEGALDO, F. R.; PATRÍCIO, T. L.; BORTOLETO, M. A. C. Gymnastics for All and experienced bodies: a dialogue between gymnastics and other physical activities. Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 19, n. 2, p. 57–63, 2021. DOI: 10.36453/cefe.2021.n2.27405. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.