Assessment of flexibility, handgrip strength, respiratory strength, vertical jump and reaction time of female Jiu-Jitsu practitioners
Women, jiu-jitsu, Combat sportsAbstract
BACKGROUND: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an intense sport that enhances aerobic and anaerobic power, flexibility, and strength. It is increasingly popular among women for self-defense and health benefits, but research on female practitioners remains limited in the literature.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate flexibility, grip strength, respiratory strength, vertical jump, and reaction time in female Jiu-Jitsu practitioners. Additionally, the study aims to correlate the assessed variables.
METHODS: Female Jiu-Jitsu practitioners were evaluated through a socio-demographic questionnaire, flexibility assessed by the Wells bench, grip strength measurement, manovacuometry, vertical jump test, and reaction time. Data were presented through central tendency measures and correlated using Pearson correlation tests.
RESULTS: Twenty-five women were evaluated, with an average age of 30.9±8.9 years, weight of 64.6±9.7 kg, and height of 162.8±5.1 cm, across white (n=11), blue (n=10), brown (n=1), and black (n=3) belts. Observed values included flexibility of 33.4±8.2 cm, right grip strength of 31.6±5.1 kg and left grip strength of 29.2±4.1 kg, inspiratory muscular strength of 166.6±63.0 cmH2O and expiratory strength of 104.6±24.9 cmH2O, jump height of 20.5±4.1 cm, and reaction time of 16.1±4.5 ms. There was a correlation between flexibility and the rate of force development in jumping, between reaction time and PEmax, and between the rate of force development and impact index.
CONCLUSION: We can conclude that evaluations of flexibility, grip strength, respiratory muscular strength, vertical jump, and reaction time are important in female Jiu-Jitsu practitioners, given the limited literature on this topic in this population. Furthermore, these are crucial attributes for the sport.
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