Comparison between the level of physical activity and self-esteem of adolescents who practice and non-practicers taekwondo


  • Alice Fernandes de Barros Centro Universitário Governador Ozanam Coelho (UNIFAGOC), Ubá
  • Francielle de Assis Arantes Centro Universitário Governador Ozanam Coelho (UNIFAGOC), Ubá, Brasil
  • Gustavo Leite Camargos Centro Universitário Governador Ozanam Coelho (UNIFAGOC), Ubá, Brasil
  • Luciano Bernardes Leite Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa
  • Renata Aparecida Rodrigues de Oliveira Centro Universitário Governador Ozanam Coelho (UNIFAGOC), Ubá, Brasil



Taekwondo, Physical activity, Self-esteem, Adolescent


BACKGROUND: Practicing taekwondo is a dynamic form of physical activity that not only strengthens the body but can also boost teenagers’ self-esteem. Through overcoming physical and mental challenges, taekwondo practitioners develop a sense of personal accomplishment and self-confidence.
OBJECTIVE: Compare the level of physical activity and self-esteem of adolescents who practice and do not practice taekwondo.
METHODS: The study was cross-sectional, in which the sample was composed of 60 adolescents, 30 practitioners and 30 non-practitioners of taekwondo from a school in the interior of Minas Gerais. The instruments used were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Rosemberg Self-Esteem Scale. For all statistical treatments, a significance level of p<0.05 was adopted.
RESULTS: It can be observed that among taekwondo practitioners, 80% were very active. When comparing the self-esteem scale between taekwondo practitioners and non-taekwondo practitioners, it was possible to observe that taekwondo practitioners had a lower average (6.70±3.02 and 19.03±3.85, respectively), which reflects a level better self-esteem.
CONCLUSION: It is concluded that there is a difference between the level of physical activity and self-esteem of taekwondo practitioners and non-taekwondo practitioners, with practitioners having better self-esteem.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES DE BARROS, A.; DE ASSIS ARANTES, F.; LEITE CAMARGOS, G.; LEITE, L. B.; APARECIDA RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA, R. Comparison between the level of physical activity and self-esteem of adolescents who practice and non-practicers taekwondo. Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 22, p. e32773, 2024. DOI: 10.36453/cefe.2024.32773. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.