



Discurso, Ódio, Racismo, Negros, Análise do discurso.


The objective of this work is to present part of the research developed in the thesis seeks to analyze and describe the discursive organization and social function of hate speeches against Blacks on social media with the goal of offering ways to combat them. We conduct a brief overview of the Black Movement in the country as well as reparation policies, recent victories which led to the present historical juncture’s social polarization. We reflect on hate, specifically hate speech, how persons act on the web, legislation about hate on the internet, and what ways we might combat it. We then study these speeches through the lens of discourse analysis, connecting it to Brazil’s social, historic, and economic reality. This research uses as its theoretical base Bakhtin’s dialogism (1997) and understands hate as a system of exclusion as defined by the French philosopher Cornelius Castoriades (1992). We also work with the concept of race as a discursive construct (Stuart Hall 2006) and like Kabengele Munanga (2012) we put race and class in tension. Lastly, we offer some ways and means to counter the constant attacks against Black Brazilians taking into consideration discourse analyses that point to an attempt to dehumanize the Black population, denigrate the African continent, exalt merit as the triumph of the white in opposition to the Black population’s lack of effort , and the constant attack against the Black aesthetic. Teaching Tolerance in the United States inspires our proposals to combat hate speech and motivated this project’s reflections.

Author Biography

Luciana Barreto, CEFET-RJ

Possui graduação em Comunicação Social - Jornalismo pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2001). Mestrado Cefet-RJ. Atualmente é ancora e editora-executiva jornalismo da CNN. Tem experiência na área de Comunicação, com ênfase em APRESENTAÇÃO E EDIÇÃO DE TELEJORNAIS.


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How to Cite

BARRETO, L. DISCURSOS DE ÓDIO CONTRA NEGROS NAS REDES SOCIAIS. Trama, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 18, n. 43, p. 96–108, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/rt.v18i43.28363. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/trama/article/view/28363. Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.