Strange Meeting

An inquiry into proofreading of poetry translation and the relationship between translator and proofreader




Proofreading, Translation proofreading, Poetry translation, Wilfred Owen


Studies concerning the profession of proofreaders are still scarce, being an area whose praxis remains shrouded in misconceptions about grammatical normalizations. Amongst various practice possibilities in proofreading, there is one focused on proofreading of literary texts, whether written directly in native language or translated. This paper aims to provide a study about the little-remarked proofreading of poetry translation. Based on the theories of poetry translation presented by Britto (2012), Laranjeira (2012), and Faleiros (2012), it analyses three different translations of “Anthem for Doomed Youth”, by English war poet Wilfred Owen, suggesting specific interventions according to the proofreading work. Thus, it intents to contribute to proofreading studies, investigating what its practices and limits would be, as well as the relationship between translator and proofreader.


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How to Cite

VALADARES DE PAIVA, V. M. Strange Meeting: An inquiry into proofreading of poetry translation and the relationship between translator and proofreader. Trama, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 18, n. 45, p. 52–65, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/rt.v18i45.29350. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Estudos da Tradução: perspectivas em debate