The characteristics of spatial practices carried out by the Borari Indigenous Association of Alter do Chão (state of Pará, Brazil): Social and cultural actions


  • Suzanny Cunha da Mota Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados/MS (UFGD)



The article analyzed the characteristics of the spatial practices carried out by the Borari Indigenous Association of Alter do Chão. The research showed that the spatial practices carried out by the association focus on social actions and cultural actions. Both social and cultural actions and spatial practices aim at the alternative economic network and emplacement, through the identity of the Borari people. The association creates and implements projects focused on the economic, social, and cultural areas, seeking partnerships with government and private entities, to clarify, capacitate, bring knowledge, generate extra income, and continue the perpetuation of their culture. It was found that the association seeks territorialization through its social actions, fighting for the demarcation of its territory, recognition by society, and rights with the Brazilian state. Through the research, it was verified that the Boraris noticed the power of collective work, in this way, they were able to achieve many goals. From the ethnic recognition and the founding of the Borari Indigenous Association of Alter do Chão, the Boraris had significant gains in autonomy. Spatial practices with a focus on cultural actions refer mainly to their ancestors, such as the Sairé Festival, the Borari Festival, regional theme songs, and the creation of carimbó groups, among others. Therefore, the association strengthened the local indigenous movement.

Keywords: Alter do Chão; Borari Indigenous Association; Borari Indians; Spatial practices.



How to Cite

CUNHA DA MOTA, S. The characteristics of spatial practices carried out by the Borari Indigenous Association of Alter do Chão (state of Pará, Brazil): Social and cultural actions. AMBIENTES: Revista de Geografia e Ecologia Política, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/amb.v5i2.31342. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.