Developing a rapid review model for undergraduate level in Physical Education
Primary Health Care, Exercise, Public Health, Health Centers, PregnancyAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To elaborate on a rapid review model that can be useful for undergraduate thesis projects (TCC) in Physical Education courses, and for approximate science and professional practice.
METHODS: We described the adaptations performed in order to come up with an alternative method to develop rapid reviews in fourth year projects at the undergraduate level.
RESULTS: A student and professor presented extracted data from the studies, the student provided initial opinion and final synthesis and, finally, critical appraisal of the committee and researcher with expertise in knowledge translation about the developed method were included.
CONCLUSION: We expect that this report will promote discussion on the topic about the supervision of fourth year research projects in Physical Education, with emphasis on Physical Activity and Health and offers a way to bridge the gap between scientific evidence and practices through actions directed at to future professionals.
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