Set piece: social representations of the goalkeeper figure in Brazilian football post-Barbosa
Football, Goalkeeper, representationsAbstract
BACKGROUND: TThis essay addresses the social representations surrounding the role of the goalkeeper in the context of Brazilian football. The time frame is the 1950 World Cup due to the historical and sociocultural impact that the defeat of the Brazilian team in the final at Maracanã Stadium had on the national scene at the time.
OBJECTIVE: It analyzes data and information from some authors about the World Cup of that year, especially about the failure of goalkeeper Barbosa, who was held responsible for the Brazilian defeat in the final of that Cup.
METHODS: Interpretative analysis of discourses about goalkeepers from the perspective of the Football Representation Space Theory.
CONCLUSION: It concludes that in Brazil, since the Barbosa episode, a representation of racist background has been built on the reliability of black goalkeepers, as well as an exacerbated appreciation of foreign goalkeepers. It discusses possible paths to be followed in future research on this topic.
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