Physical education pre-service teachers’ beliefs: a metasysthesis


Supporting Agencies
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


Beliefs, future teachers, physical education


BACKGROUND: Over the last twenty years, research on the beliefs of future Physical Education teachers has shown the influence of beliefs on curriculum decisions, the relationship between beliefs and pedagogical practices, the small contribution of undergraduate courses in changing beliefs, the contribution from previous experiences in pedagogical beliefs. In this context, synthesizing the main qualitative data can contribute to an understanding of the beliefs of future teachers in the context of initial training.
OBJECTIVE: To perform a meta-synthesis regarding the beliefs of future Physical Education teachers.
METHODS: We performed a meta-synthesis, characterized as a systematic review methodology in which the results of qualitative studies. The results of the 9 original articles were analyzed and synthesized using the content analysis technique. The categories were determined a priori in: purposes, contents and strategies.
RESULTS: There is a difference regarding beliefs about the purpose, while novice academics believe that Physical Education should focus on the physical and motor development of students, undergraduates believe that Physical Education can develop several aspects. Regarding beliefs about content, future teachers believe that technique should be privileged. Regarding beliefs about strategies, academics are divided into those who prefer analytical tasks and those who prefer global tasks.
CONCLUSION: The difference in beliefs among future teachers is highlighted, allowing them to be classified as traditional and constructivist. Traditional people believe in the teaching and learning process centered on the teacher, in the purpose of Physical Education aimed at physical and motor development and in analytical tasks. Constructivists believe that students should actively participate in classes, have a more complex view of Physical Education, prefer to use global tasks and less directive types of instruction.


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Author Biographies

Ana Flávia Backes, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Master in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina

Vinicius Zeilmann Brasil, State University of Santa Catarina

Phd in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina

André Luiz de Oliveira Braz, State University of Santa Catarina

Master in Human Movement Sciences from the State University of Santa Catarina

Thais Emanuelli da Silva Barros, State University of Santa Catarina

Master in Human Movement Sciences from the State University of Santa Catarina

Valmor Ramos, State University of Santa Catarina

PhD in Physical Education from the University of Porto

Morgana Prá Steinbach, State University of Santa Catarina

Graduated in Physical Education from the State University of Santa Catarina


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How to Cite

RISTOW, L.; BACKES, A. F. .; ZEILMANN BRASIL, V. .; BRAZ, A. L. de O.; BARROS, T. E. da S.; RAMOS, V.; PRÁ STEINBACH, M. Physical education pre-service teachers’ beliefs: a metasysthesis . Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 20, p. e–28499, 2022. DOI: 10.36453/cefe.2022.28499. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.