Evolution of men and women in the 100 meters sprint in all editions of the Modern Olympic Games



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Athletic Peformance, Running, Training


BACKGROUND: Athletics and the 100-meter sprint are among the main events of the Olympic Games, yet little is known about the history and evolution of sport.
OBJECTIVE: The aim was to analyze the improvement in the performance of athletes and countries in the 100-meter men’s and women’s races.
METHODS: The sample was composed of all 369 athletes who participated in the finals of the Games, across 30 editions for men and 23 editions for women. The times, in seconds, of all the gold, silver, and bronze medalists from each edition were used. For the analysis, the percentage improvement of each champion was calculated, along with the average of the top three finishers in each edition of the Games, compared to the champion and the average of the top three finishers in the first edition of the Games. Additionally, the countries that won gold, silver, and bronze medals were also analyzed.
RESULTS: The United States was the country that won the most gold medals for both men and women. The average improvement for the gold medalist compared to the time of the first edition was 14.94% and for the first three places it was 15.93%. For women, the improvement for gold was 9.17% and for the podium was 8.82%. For men, the 2012 edition was the one that showed the highest percentage of improvement, 19.75% for gold and 20.75% for the podium. For women, the edition that showed the best improvement in performance was the 1988 edition with an improvement of 13.61% for the gold medalist and 12.47%).
CONCLUSION: The improvement for men was significant in both gold medal achievements and podium finishes during the Olympic Games. Among women, there was also considerable progress in these areas. The United States remains the dominant country in the sport for both sexes.



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How to Cite

RIBEIRO NETO, A. Evolution of men and women in the 100 meters sprint in all editions of the Modern Olympic Games. Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 22, p. e34051, 2024. DOI: 10.36453/cefe.2024.34051. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/cadernoedfisica/article/view/34051. Acesso em: 26 mar. 2025.