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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1) The paper has to be original and unpublished. It should not be under evaluation for publication by another journal; otherwise, justify in "Comments to the Editor." Articles based on dissertations or theses should mention the research in the abstract and introduction, and their reference should be included in the References section. Additionally, the article should engage with the conclusions of the thesis or dissertation, rather than being a mere excerpt of it.
  • 2) The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  • 4) "In order to prevent unethical practices, Travessias has adopted the requirement that, at the time of submission, the corresponding author attaches the report of the analysis of his or her manuscript to the CopySpider software. If the manuscript is submitted without the report, the journal will notify the author of the need to send it and archive the submission. Travessias will review the submitted report and reserves the right to submit the manuscript for software review even if the report has been attached by the author." I declare that I am aware of this and will attach, in item 2. Transfer from the manuscript, as a supplementary document - CopySpider Report - the report of the analysis of my manuscript (PDF or html).
  • 3) I am aware that co-authored papers are accepted with a limit of three (03) authors per paper. If the article is approved, I will not be able to indicate new authors beyond those who were registered at the time of submission.
  • 5) Statement:
    I declare that the submitted document does not contain plagiarism, that direct and indirect quotes are duly referenced and that in the manuscript there are no texts written by an artificial intelligence system, pretending to be texts of their authorship (eg, using texts produced by artificial intelligence software in the academic article).
  • 6) Manuscripts written by PhDs and Masters will be accepted. Manuscripts from master's students, specialists, or graduates/undergraduates will be accepted if co-authored with a PhD researcher in the case of Master's students and co-authored with a Master's or PhD researcher in the case of specialists and graduates/undergraduates.
  • 7) As of 2023, authors/authors and/or co-authors/co-authors will only be able to have their articles published after an interval of two issues since the last publication in Travessias. Example: authors whose article was published in v. 17, no. 1 2023 can only have an article published in v. 18, no. 1 2024.
  • 8) Cover Letter - This document will be used to assess the scientific merit of the article during the initial evaluation and will form the basis for determining whether to proceed with the review process. I acknowledge that submitting the manuscript for evaluation requires including the "Cover Letter" according to the provided template. Failure to include this document may result in the work being archived.

  • I'm aware that research involving human subjects must explicitly state compliance with the standards set forth by Resolution No. 466/2012 of the National Health Council, or the equivalent legislation in the country where the research is conducted. For studies conducted in Brazil, it is necessary to provide the approval number granted by the Ethics Committee, recognized by the National Commission for Research Ethics (CONEP) of the National Health Council. Additionally, the Ethics Committee approval certificate should be attached as a supplementary document during the manuscript submission process.

Author Guidelines

Travessias, a journal published every four months by the Research Group on Education, Culture, Language and Art and the Graduate Program in Literature of Unioeste - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, only publishes articles that are in accordance with the journal's guidelines.

The project welcomes original and unpublished articles and essays of interest to the scientific community. The author(s) are entirely responsible for the use of images, content belonging to third parties, and the mention of research subjects. The Journal is not responsible for the opinions, ideas, concepts and positions expressed in the texts, which are the entire responsibility of the author (or authors), who are also responsible for the use of photos, images, references, translations, collections, among others.

The rights of the editions of the scientific articles and of the works actually published automatically, at the moment of submission, will be transferred to the journal, and copies are authorized if the source is cited.

If the article or review and the like is returned to the author(s) for review and correction, and is not returned up to 14 days, the publishing process will be cancelled. The author(s) will be responsible for correction of their manuscripts. Manuscripts will only be published after the Editorial Board of the journal has given its opinion.



- Manuscripts should be between 10 and 15 pages long, including tables, graphs, figures, and references, and should be submitted without page numbering.

- Reviews (up to two years in publication) should be three to six pages long, and essays, experience reports, and interviews should be six to fifteen pages long.

- Visual artistic productions (paintings, photographs, prints), must be scanned at least 72 DPI'S, in RGB, and accompanied by title, authors' names, abstract, and keywords;

- Sound productions must be sent in MP3 format and accompanied by the title, author(s), abstract, and keywords written in Portuguese and English;

- Audiovisual productions must be in AVI, MOV, WMV format and accompanied by title, authors' names, abstract, and keywords, written in Portuguese and English;

- Manuscripts written by PhDs and Masters will be accepted. Manuscripts from master's students, specialists, or graduates/undergraduates will be accepted if co-authored with a PhD researcher in the case of Master's students and co-authored with a Master's or PhD researcher in the case of specialists and graduates/undergraduates;

- Co-authored papers are accepted with a limit of three (03) authors per paper;

- Fully and correctly complete all author data requested at the time of manuscript submission;

- Articles based on dissertations or theses should mention the research in the abstract and introduction, and their reference should be included in the References section. Additionally, the article should engage with the conclusions of the thesis or dissertation, rather than being a mere excerpt of it.


Research involving human subjects must explicitly state compliance with the standards set forth by Resolution No. 466/2012 of the National Health Council, or the equivalent legislation in the country where the research is conducted. For studies conducted in Brazil, it is necessary to provide the approval number granted by the Ethics Committee, recognized by the National Commission for Research Ethics (CONEP) of the National Health Council. Additionally, the Ethics Committee approval certificate should be attached as a supplementary document during the manuscript submission process.



The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, Open Office, or compatible programs, on A4 size paper, with settings according to the template.


For quotations, please adhere to the ABNT guidelines 10520/2023.

Please note that with regard to the version for submission, authors should remain anonymous when submitting their manuscripts.

Privacy Statement

General Data Protection Law (LGPD)

The names and addresses given to this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.

In compliance with Law No. 13,709/2018, General Data Protection Law (LGPD), the Data Protection Officer of Unioeste is designated through Ordinance No. 873/2021-GRE, in accordance with Resolution 013/2021-CGE.
