Mass culture and educational background: media and public opinion


  • Dinamara Garcia Feldens
  • Rafael Santos Barboza
  • Helena Maria Braz
  • Luana Garcia Feldens Fusaro
Supporting Agencies


Mídia, Educação, Indústria Cultural


We use this work the literature review to investigate the current global scenario, fueled by communications technologies, taking into account the capacity range of media keeps alive mass communication concepts and cultural industry of the 70s Since the emergence of these media starting with the printed newspaper to reach the internet, the reach of mass media only intensified. This range has caused the media to exceed its role of information and entertainment broadcaster, to be forming public opinion. Over the decades, the media far-reaching has directly affected social relations, influencing the learning processes, public opinion, the formation of moral judgments and cultural values of the population. This article proposes a reflection on the effects of media in the training and educational processes of individuals and mass as common sense. Finally, we consider the awareness of media effects makes her less vulnerable consumers to them.


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How to Cite

FELDENS, D. G.; BARBOZA, R. S.; BRAZ, H. M.; FUSARO, L. G. F. Mass culture and educational background: media and public opinion. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 2, p. e12706, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

