The recategorization of the term "youth" in a perspective of linguistic-discursive analysis


  • Suany Oliveira de Moraes
  • Celina Aparecida Garcia de Souza Nascimento
Supporting Agencies


Text linguistics, referencing, argumentative orientation, youth.


The present article aims to analyze the recategorization of the term “youth”, from the point of linguistic-discursive view, in a cutout on the exclusion of young people in the Educator’s Manual of the National Program for Youth Inclusion – Projovem Urbano. For such analysis, we will use some of the theoretical contributions, proposed by Text Linguistics, concerning the construction of objects-of-speech and the argumentative orientation of the enunciation. For that, we shared reflections about the referential processes of Apothéloz (2003), Koch (2005), Cavalcante, Custódio Filho and Brito (2014), and Cavalcante (2005, 2014). We consider that this brief analysis can provide an initial contribution to research in Text Linguistics, once it takes an educational speech, broadcast on a government document, to establish sense relations in favor of a particular project of saying.


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How to Cite

DE MORAES, S. O.; NASCIMENTO, C. A. G. de S. The recategorization of the term "youth" in a perspective of linguistic-discursive analysis. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 2, p. e14662, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

