Dialogicity bakhtinian in letter from readers in reply to the report: the interlocution interacionist movement of a self-controlled and self- censored media


  • Jozeane Martinha de Lima
  • Aparecida Feola Sella
Supporting Agencies


Interaction, self-control, self-censorship, reader's letter


National circulation magazines apparently constitute a broad and democratic stage of manifestation of different genres in one regular communication vehicle. The card reader then one of the genres published weekly by the magazine Carta Capital, serves for analysis of explicit dialogue processes and implicit in the text. We aim to answer two questions: What semantic movements, morphological, syntactic are embodied in the production process of the reader Charter for the reader to establish or promote dialogue without censorship and editing process? And to whom the reader (author of the Reader Letter) directs his dialogue, as the genre in question will first be read by the editor of the magazine so that after necessary changes, to be published and read by readers? Consideration will be given to interactive and dialogic dynamic between author (revised) / reader (author of the reader's letter) / universal reader (consumer magazine Carta Capital). The analysis we propose, we must consider the text as the materialization of genres in use in different social spheres, with social function of communication and certain dialogue, and placed in a historical and political process that interfere primarily in the authorization of what should or not be published. The control of what may or may not be served denotes a veiled censorship in a dialogic interaction process. For this, we used the theoretical framework presented by Mikhail Bahktin which conceptualizes language as interaction process


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How to Cite

DE LIMA, J. M.; SELLA, A. F. Dialogicity bakhtinian in letter from readers in reply to the report: the interlocution interacionist movement of a self-controlled and self- censored media. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 2, p. e14920, 2016. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/14920. Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

