Literature, gender issues and classroom: discursive rhetorical analysis and literary reflection about the tale A moça tecelã


  • Renan Paulo Bini Unioeste e Univel
  • Meyre dos Santos Andrade FAG
  • Jaqueline Cerezoli
Supporting Agencies


Literature, analysis of discourse, rhetoric, genre.


Considering the lack of neutrality regarding the formation of the different genres of discourse and understanding literature as credible expression of subjectivity and human complexity, composed of feelings and human perceptions inferred in characteristics of characters shaped by history and ideology; the present study aims to perform rhetorician discursive analysis of symbolic object A Moça Tecelã, by Marina Colasanti, performing, from it, the identification of effects of sense that were and are caused by reading. From the text, and through theoretical reference that shall base analysis, we will seek, by Analysis of Discourse of French side, the context identification and interdiscourses that influenced the composition of the text; and, by Rhetoric, the identification and analysis of linguistic materiality of argumentation in the tale. From the analysis, aims to propose the discussion about Genre in classroom, from symbolic objects, Such as the one in question, in order to promoting in students reflections about the role of women's writing as an influencer subversion of socially imposed roles for women, of breaking paradigms and of empowerment.


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Author Biographies

Renan Paulo Bini, Unioeste e Univel

Mestrando em Letras pela UNIOESTE; Graduado em Comunicação Social - habilitação em Jornalismo pela UNIVEL; Acadêmico do curso de Letras Português/Italiano da UNIOESTE; discente do MBA em Gestão de Marketing, Propaganda e Vendas da UNIVEL. 

Meyre dos Santos Andrade, FAG

Graduada em Letras Português/Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas pela Faculdade Assis Gurgacz.


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How to Cite

BINI, R. P.; ANDRADE, M. dos S.; CEREZOLI, J. Literature, gender issues and classroom: discursive rhetorical analysis and literary reflection about the tale A moça tecelã. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 1, p. e16600, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

