Complex epistemology in Philosophy and Literature


  • Albeiro Mejia Trujillo OEI/SESu/MEC
Supporting Agencies


Complexity, Epistemology, Language, Discourse, Rationality.


The literate culture that served as the foundation to Western thought begins with the Homeric literature, around the 8th century BC, and the Platonic philosophical thought around the 5th century BC. The two rationality models are already presented by Plato so adversarial, and the heart of the dispute for establishing the criteria of truth and falsity, rationality and irrationality involves a plan of ideological disagreements in the way of dealing with knowledge. Their own internal differences in philosophy, over twenty-five centuries, have shown how this order of knowledge is fluid in his views because of its interior emerge the most diverse conceptions of what is real or unreal. The denial of knowledge literary taken over in the Homeric mythology as opposed to the creation of a treaty of philosophical aesthetics allowed to establish the transition between the display model of mythological knowledge, and the rationalization of the myth itself. The philosophical epistemology that is one of the main foundations of contemporary thought, at various times in Western history, has been grappling with divergent traits that make one think of romantic visions of human thought, as has happened with aspects of the so called complexity theory. Literature has the power to embrace all possible worlds of the human spirit, and the philosophical understanding allows them to be discovered the realities of the cloisters of the literary imagination. Throughout the text the idea of complex epistemology will be approached, based on the discussion of the scope and limits of complexity paradigm by Edgar Morin.


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Author Biography

Albeiro Mejia Trujillo, OEI/SESu/MEC

Pós-Doutorado em Gramaticologia pela PUC/SP, Mestrado e Doutorado em Literatura pela UnB, e graduado em Filosofia e em Letras pela Universidade Católica de Brasília. Consultor OEI/SESu no Projeto: "Desenvolvimento de metodologias institucionais destinadas à consolidação da educação superior como fator de desenvolvimento sustentável do Brasil.


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How to Cite

TRUJILLO, A. M. Complex epistemology in Philosophy and Literature. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 2, p. e17098, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

