Press and power: a geopolitical analysis of the film A Bottle in the Gaza Sea


  • Graziele Rodrigues de Oliveira Universidade Federal Latino-Americana (UNILA)
Supporting Agencies


Cinema, Press and power, Israel vs. Palestine, Geopolitics


This article analyzes the power relations between geopolitics and the Western press within the scene of war between Israel and Palestine in film comparative. The paper seeks to make explicit about the geopolitical game that undergoes media interference in conflict environments. As a study object was used the film A bottle in the Gaza Sea, the cinema as resistance in the deconstruction of ethnocentrism between states and their reflections within the global geopolitics. The press as being an agent of power in social relations and its action in the formation of public consensus, in the beliefs and values of a people and their interference within the political conjuncture. Other factors such as Huntington's "clash of civilizations" are also addressed in the article, in an attempt to scrutinize aspects inherent to geopolitics beyond the power of the international relations of the countries powers or even of the political strategies between the states.


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Author Biography

Graziele Rodrigues de Oliveira, Universidade Federal Latino-Americana (UNILA)

Autora: Graziele Rodrigues de Oliveira

Formação: Mestranda em Literatura Comparada pela Universidade Federal Latino-Americana (UNILA). Especialista em Geopolítica e Relações Internacionais pela Rede de Educação Claretiano. Graduada em Comunicação Social – Jornalismo pela União Educacional de Cascavel (Univel-2015) e Comunicação Social – Publicidade e Propaganda pelo Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá (Unicesumar -2010). E-mail:


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA, G. Press and power: a geopolitical analysis of the film A Bottle in the Gaza Sea. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 3, p. e17329, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

