Construction and deconstruction of stereotypes in Filhas do Vento.


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Stereotype, identity, racism.


In the postmodern social context, conceptualizing identity is a challenge because it requires a complex and symbolic analysis that results from the most diverse historical experiences. Identity is fragmented, but marked by reasonable approximations, that is, intersubjective identifications created collectively from a sense of belonging, conflict, and negotiation. There are innumerable meanings that exclude and include, categorize, and create attributes for a particular group. From this perspective, the objective of this work is to analyze a sequence of Filhas do Vento, directed by Joel Zito Araújo and released in 2005, identifying the narrative strategies used by the director in the deconstruction of stereotypes from the imputation of irrational stereotypes that mark and Naturalize racial discrimination, corroborate their perverse and arbitrary social invisibility, and incite violence to the social and ethnic rights of the Afro-Brazilian population. For this, the film analysis will be delineated by the methods pointed out by Francis Vanoye, Anne Goliot-Lété, Laurent Jullier and Michel Marie. The theoretical basis will be guided by the theoretical-conceptual discussions of Stuart Hall, Pierre Bourdieu, Florestan Fernandes and Joel Zito Araújo. The present work resulted in an analysis that deconstructed stereotypes culturally naturalized in society, from the identification and recognition of them, affirmed by the director in the filmic sequence and perpetuated in a society that persists in the fallacious idea of racial democracy. In addition to reinforcing the character of affirmative action of the film, which places the black in the protagonism in the constitution of the whole black cast as in the discussion of issues related to blackness.


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Author Biographies

Terezinha Richartz, Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR).

Doutorado em Ciências Sociais (PUC/SP); Professora do Programa de Mestrado em Letras – Linguagem, Cultura e Discurso da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR). 

Elaine de Souza Pinto Rodrigues, Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR).

Aluna do Programa de Mestrado em Letras – Linguagem, Cultura e Discurso da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR).


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JULLIER, Lauret; MARIE, Michel. Lendo as imagens do cinema. Tradução Magda Lopes. 7. ed. São Paulo: SENAC, 2012.

MARTIN, Marcel. A linguagem cinematográfica. Tradução Lauro António e Maria Eduarda Colares. Lisboa: Dinalivro, 2005.

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How to Cite

RICHARTZ, T.; RODRIGUES, E. de S. P. Construction and deconstruction of stereotypes in Filhas do Vento. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 2, p. e17406, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

