Visions of madness in William Shakespeare’s “King Lear”


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The King Lear, Madness and aging, Madness and power.


Madness is presented as one of the main themes on the book “King Lear”, written by William Shakespeare, reaching several stages and distinct manifestations, beginning with the king’s unusual desire to share his kingdom among his three heirs while he was still alive, hastening the problem of throne succession with such decision. The reach of monarchical power is highlighted in this research, because at the same time that it allows the power over the king’s vassals, it overlaps the king’s own will, who becomes bounded to his duties. This literary analysis paper aims to discuss and problematize the visions of madness presented by the book from two of its manifestations: madness and aging, and madness and power. In order to accomplish the objectives, a bibliographical research was carried out based on Shakespearian text, evidencing, problematizing, and discussing the chosen theme. The conclusion points out to a connection between manifested madness and dementia, blindness and power, going through the work’s main plot, and also influencing the secondary plots.


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Author Biographies

Anderson Amaral-Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Doutorando em Letras - PPGL/UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Professor de Letras-Inglês - DHE/UNIJUI - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul 

Liane Beatriz Rotili, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ

Mestranda em Desenvolvimento Regional - PPGDES/UNIJUIBolsista PROSUP/CapesGraduanda em Licenciatura em História - DHE/UNIJUI  


BIRMAN, Joel. Mal-estar na atualidade: a psicanálise e as novas formas de subjetivação. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1999.

BRADLEY, A. C. A tragédia shakespeariana. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2009.

FOUCAULT, Michel. História da loucura na idade clássica. São Paulo: Perspectiva, p. 282.

GARCIA-ROZA. Luiz Alfredo. Freud e o inconsciente. 24 ed. São Paulo: Zahar, 2009, p. 25-26.

SHAKESPEARE, William. O Rei Lear. Trad. Millôr Fernandes. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 2015.

WELLS, Stanley; TAYLOR, Gary. The history of King Lear. New York: Oxford, 2000.



How to Cite

AMARAL-OLIVEIRA, A.; ROTILI, L. B. Visions of madness in William Shakespeare’s “King Lear”. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 12, n. 1, p. e17653, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

