The Literature in the digital age: expansion of supports and convergence of media.


  • Alinny Rodrigues Pereira Silva
Supporting Agencies


Multimedia literature, expansion of supports, digital age.


With the dilution of the specificity of the literature there was an expansion of the horizons of artistic production, which in a way promoted the expansion of the media, which go beyond the printed book, along with the convergence of the media. In this sense, the literary text has acquired new partnerships that range from the presence of moving images, music, games, sounds, hyperlinks among other multimedia resources, as well as the democratization of literary space with the insertion of new voices of popular representation that were historically excluded. Also arise new spaces of publication and dissemination ranging from blogs, social networking among many others. There is a new profile of author and reader, the borders and barriers are pulverized, there is an implosion of the limits so that an approximation until then, not imagined between author, text and reader occurs, through the facilities of access, interactivity, multiple languages and freedom of choices in relation to reading. For the theoretical foundation, there are discussions about literature and its multiplicity in contemporary times (Resende, 2008; Garruchau, 2014; Schöllman, 2011) on literature in the digital age (SPALDING 2012; DARNTON, 2010), the literature reader since printed and digital supports, (SILVA and COSTA 2012, LEITE 2016 and CHARTIER, 2007).


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Author Biography

Alinny Rodrigues Pereira Silva

Licenciada em letras Português/ Inglês e suas respectivas literaturas, especialista em língua Inglesa e Portuguesa, atualmente cursando pós graduação em literatura contemporânea.


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How to Cite

SILVA, A. R. P. The Literature in the digital age: expansion of supports and convergence of media. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 3, p. e18099, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

