Let's take the woman to the Brazilian Academy of Letters! Tetrá de Teffé, the first novelist awarded by the immortals.


  • Gabriela de Lima Grecco Docente e Investigadora Postdoctoral Departamento de Historia Contemporánea
Supporting Agencies


Brazilian Academy of Letters, writers, canon, Tetrá de Teffé.


This article aims to analyze the role of women intellectuals and writers during the thirties and forties in Brazil, focusing on the novelist Tetrá de Teffé and his work Bati à porta da vida, awarded in 1941 with the Machado Assis Award. On the one hand, we study the literary canon as an eminently patriarchal space, and thus we seek to understand the existing conflicts regarding the entry of women into the pantheon of immortals, the Brazilian Academy of Letters. On the other hand, through the weekly magazine O Malho, we examine discourses constructed by the press and by the intellectuals women to claim their participation in a place of cultural consecration. In this article, then, there are forgotten lives of brilliant women who were important actors in the Brazilian political, social and cultural arena, but ended up in the basement of history and the literary canon. Among these women is Tetrazzini de Almeida Nobre de Teffé, a Brazilian writer of great prestige during the first decades of the 20th century. However, the non-canonical status of her work, so frequent in the case of female writers, demonstrates the invisibility and silencing suffered by several women of letters.


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Author Biography

Gabriela de Lima Grecco, Docente e Investigadora Postdoctoral Departamento de Historia Contemporánea

Facultad Filosofía y Letras UAM
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid • Campus de Cantoblanco
c/ Calle Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 1 - 28049, Madrid


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How to Cite

GRECCO, G. de L. Let’s take the woman to the Brazilian Academy of Letters! Tetrá de Teffé, the first novelist awarded by the immortals. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 12, n. 1, p. e19326, 2018. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/19326. Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

