The image of death in Death with interruptions, by José Saramago: the game of the symbolic and the imaginary


  • Diana Milena Heck UNIOESTE
Supporting Agencies


Lacanian materialism, Death, José Saramago.


The subject of death can be problematized in countless ways. Virtually all literature approaches the subject, either directly or indirectly, real or metaphorical. José Saramago works with death singularly in the novel Death with Interruptions (2005), because it appears not only as a biological event, but also humanized, being a character of the narrative. Death, therefore, occupies the space of protagonist of the novel. Saramago allows reflections on life with and without death. Even to live without death is the ideal that humanity search, the author works with the negative effects of such an event and the picture of these two dimensions makes the fictional story an example of how life would be without death to the real world. As the author transforms the aspect of death into the narrative, he ends up working with different images of it, bringing the known perspective, of death as a skeleton, feared by humanity and, at the same time, humanizing it. In this sense, we seek with this work, to show how the image of death changes throughout the narrative from the three phases that assumes: natural phase, bureaucratic and humanized, analyzing primarily as the plans of the Symbolic and the Imaginary become. Therefore, the main theoretical framework will be to Slavoj Žižek, that in addition to reread the concepts of Lacanian triad (Real - Symbolic - Imaginary), allows other readings and interpretations of the central theme in Saramago romance.


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Author Biography

Diana Milena Heck, UNIOESTE

Doutoranda em Literatura Comparada (UNIOESTE); Mestra em Estudos Literários (UEM); Especialista em Língua Portuguesa e Literatura Brasileira (FAG); Graduada em Letras Português/Espanhol (UNIOESTE).

Professora Colaboradora do curso de Letras (UNIOESTE/MCR) com  atuação nas áreas de Língua e Literaturas de Língua Espanhola. 


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MORIN, Edgar. O homem e a morte. Sintra: Publicações Europa-América, 1970.

ROSSET, Clément. O real e seu duplo: ensaio sobre a ilusão. Trad. José Thomaz Brum. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2008.

SARAMAGO, José. As Intermitências da Morte. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2009.

ŽIŽEK, Slavoj. Bem- vendo ao deserto do real !: cinco ensaios sobre 11 de Setembro e datas relacionadas. Trad. Paulo Cezar Castanheira. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2003.

ŽIŽEK, Slavoj. Como ler Lacan. Trad. Maria Luiza X. de A. Borges. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2010.

ŽIŽEK, Slavoj. Primeiro como tragédia, depois como farsa. Trad. Maria Beatriz de Medina. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2011.

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How to Cite

HECK, D. M. The image of death in Death with interruptions, by José Saramago: the game of the symbolic and the imaginary. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 12, n. 2, p. e20049, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

