Mermaids, Mariners and writers of their own story: reflections upon O papel e o mar (2010) and Carolina Maria de Jesus


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Carolina Maria de Jesus, O papel e o mar (2010), performance, partage du sensible


In her journals which composed Quarto de despejo: diário de uma favelada (1960), Carolina Maria de Jesus had a hiatus between 1955 and 1958. The movie O papel e o mar (2010), by Luiz Antonio Pilar, brings to scene a fictional meeting between Carolina and the widely known João Candido Felisberto, the “black admiral” – who was the leader of the ”revolta da chibata” – on may, 1st 1958, when Carolina came back to her writing. The first lines of the short film let clear what was the business of each of its characters – who were not contemporary – hers was paper, his was the sea. So I intend, on this reflection, to think about how they performed their memory and work, based on Jacques Derrida (1988 e 1991) and Jeanne Marie Gagnebin (2006) in addition to how it reflects the distribution of the sensible, or in the French version “partage du sensible”, based on Jacques Ranciére (2009). Issues like authorization of voice are also approached.


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Author Biography

Tallyssa Izabella Machado Sirino, PUCPR/docente. UNIOESTE/doutoranda.

Professora no curso de Letras da PUCPR. Doutoranda em Letras, pela UNIOESTE. Mestre em Letras, também pela UNIOESTE. Pesquisa e orienta trabalhos sobre as relações entre escrita, experiência e resistência na literatura marginal. 


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DE JESUS, Carolina Maria. Posições. Trad. Tomaz Tadeu da Silva. Belo Horizonte, MG: Autêntica, 2001.

DE JESUS, Carolina Maria. A Voz e o Fenômeno: introdução ao problema do signo na fenomenologia de Husserl. Trad. Lucy Magalhães. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 1994.

DE JESUS, Carolina Maria. Margens da Filosofia. Trad. Joaquim Costa, António M. Magalhães. Campinas,

SP: Papirus, 1991.

DE JESUS, Carolina Maria. Signature event context. na, 1988.

DE JESUS, Carolina Maria. La Dissémination. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1972.

GAGNEBIN, Jeanne Marie. Lembrar escrever esquecer. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2006.

KILOMBA, Grada. Descolonizando o conhecimento: uma palestra performance. 2016. Disponível em:

RANCIÉRE, Jacques. A partilha do sensível. São Paulo: Editora 34. 2009.

PILAR, Luiz Antonio. O papel e o mar. Lapilar produções, 2010.



How to Cite

SIRINO, T. I. M. Mermaids, Mariners and writers of their own story: reflections upon O papel e o mar (2010) and Carolina Maria de Jesus. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 12, n. 4, p. e20986, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.