The rewriting in literary texts: the Barrabás of Úslar Pietri.


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Intertextuality, rewriting, reception-understanding-comparison, Christian myth.


The present essay bets for the exercise of a double hermeneutic articulation. In the first place, it is proposed to understand the creative process of literary rewriting based on different perspectives of understanding that derive from the reading act; that is, what comprehensive strategies are activated in the reading experience and subsequently develop into a creative consciousness that displays multiple perspectives either to read the text or to reinvent, from it, a fictional universe. Second, activate the role of reading against the exercise of literary rewriting, which raises not only establish intertextual bridges between the original text and the rewritten text, but fill in the new gaps and then assume unexplored possibilities to find meaning and meaning emerging scriptural challenge. From both perspectives, it is interesting to examine how the dialogue between author and reader takes place based on a shared reading experience that bets in addition to the co-production of meanings, for unveiling the various contextual crossovers that can be combined as possibilities to rework history and to reactualize in this way the multiple creative forms set in motion in the rewriting and in the re-signification of the text. For the purposes of this document we will work with the story Barrabás (1928) by the Venezuelan writer Arturo Úslar Pietri.


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Author Biography

Wilfredo José Rafael Illas Ramírez, Universidad de Carabobo (UC)

Profesor de Literatura. Especialista en Educación de Adultos. Magister en Literatura Venezolana. Doctor en Educación. Doctor en Literatura Latinoamericana. Postdoctor en Ciencias  de la Educación. Postdoctor en Ciencias Humanas. Profesor Titular de la Cátedra Teoría y Métodos de Investigación Literaria. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo.


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How to Cite

ILLAS RAMÍREZ, W. J. R. The rewriting in literary texts: the Barrabás of Úslar Pietri. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 13, n. 2, p. e21875, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

