Invisible woman: absence of backcountry women in traditional brazilian historiography


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Women, Historiography, Backcountry women.


This text deals with women’s absence or lack of notoriety in traditional Brazilian historiography. On the other hand, it brings discussions about some important insertions of women in the new historiography, from the seventies forward. There is also an exhibition of backcountry women’s absence between productions of classic historians and, at the same time, a presentation of recent research on various parts of Northeast backcountry women, seeking to contemplate characters once invisible and neglected by traditional Brazilian history. We sustained our theoretical discussion in reviews of historiography critics, history, women’s history and cultural studies. The scripts presentation format is an itinerary, that begins with the topic’s presentation and continues in a non-linear way, going back a fourth in the academic’s literary estate, comparing them and presenting reflections surrounding their production so that, following through, it can dive in author’s productions that bring backcountry women as the protagonists of their researches, reaffirming the importance of documenting other characters, other stories. The intention is denouncing Brazilian’s national historiography and, simultaneously, to offer possibilities to tell new stories, from other points of view, like that of backcountry women. Therefore, we made bibliographic research, turned for the presence/absence of women and backcountry women in Brazilian historiography author’s pages. Finally, the importance of bespeak and value new looks on historiography is reinforced, in a way that favors characters’ diversity.


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Author Biography

Ivânia Nunes Machado Rocha, Universidade Federal de Sergipe Colégio Modelo Luís Eduardo Magalhães - Irecê

Doutoranda em Estudos Literários pela UFS. Mestra em Crítica Cultural pela Uneb - Campus II - Alagoinhas/BA. Concluiu estudos de Pós-graduação do Curso de Especialização em Metodologia da Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas pela Uneb/BA. Possui graduação em PEDAGOGIA e LETRAS - LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA E LITERATURAS, pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia (2001 e 2011, respectivamente) e especialização em GESTÃO ESCOLAR e METODOLOGIA DO ENSINO DE LINGUA PORTUGUESA E LITERATURAS. Atualmente é professora do Colégio Modelo Luís Eduardo Magalhães e foi supervisora do Programa institucional de bolsa de iniciação à docência - Pibid/Uneb,vinculado à Prograd/Capes/Cnpq/Iat recentemente. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em Administração de Unidades Educativas e ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Inglês.


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How to Cite

ROCHA, I. N. M. Invisible woman: absence of backcountry women in traditional brazilian historiography. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 14, n. 3, p. e25118, 2020. DOI: 10.48075/rt.v14i3.25118. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

