Remote education and teaching work in times of pandemics:
a critical analysis
Teaching work, pandemic, remote teaching, precarizationAbstract
This text presents reflections on teaching work during the Covid-19 pandemic period. In view of the historical and dialectical materialism, we seek to reinterpret the current teaching reality, highlighting the difficulties faced by teachers due to the circumstances imposed by the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the objective is to critically analyze the teaching format implemented as a result of the pandemic, pointing out the challenges that emanate from this process and that affect the teaching work. Thus, reflection on the reality of teaching work in this scenario is presented as the central issue of this study. We live in a political time of constant attacks on public education, on educators, a time of health crisis. In this context, we turn our gaze to some points that deserve to be highlighted, such as the workload of many teachers and the profound inequality of access conditions caused by this emergency form of teaching, which makes socials vulnerability even more evident. In view of the theoretical contribution that supports this analysis, we intend to demonstrate the challenges and possibilities for the exercise of teaching, even in a contradictory context. Furthermore, we aim to contribute to the reflections on the theme in question by denoting the impacts of the implementation of remote teaching on teaching work.
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