Webquest an invironmental education instrument


  • Bettina Heerdt
  • Célia Finck Brandt


Educação ambiental, Webquest, Construção do conhecimento.


The environmental education must be founded on pedagogical actions based on the study of the relations for creating conditions that contribute to the building of integrated knowledge about the world. One of the possible ways may be the construction of this knowledge by using technologies, which are so present today in the routine of a great part of the students. For this reason, we carried out a case study to investigate the contributions of the employment of the Webquest tool in pedagogical actions regarding environmental education. The Webquest called “DDT a case study” was applied to the first graders of secondary school, in order to challenge them with an authentic and meaningful activity involving important events. The results point toward the possibility of efficiency of the Webquest for the conversion of information into meaningful knowledge, individually and collectively.




How to Cite

HEERDT, B.; FINCK BRANDT, C. Webquest an invironmental education instrument. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 1, n. 1, p. e2795, 2007. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/2795. Acesso em: 22 mar. 2025.

