About the Journal

Publication of the Research Group on Education, Culture, Language and Art and the Graduate Program in Languages: Language and Society of Unioeste - Western Paraná State University. The project aims to disseminate research and studies by teachers and student researchers related to education, culture, language, and art, to those researching on these themes in the forms of articles, essays, images and sounds, documents and sources, reviews, translations, and literary creation.

e-ISSN: 1982-5935

Frequency: Quarterly

Publication schedule:
First quarter: Jan./Apr.
Second quarter: May/Aug.
Third quarter: Sept./Dec.

WebQualis-Capes Classification

2013-2016 Quadrennium:
Languages and Linguistics [B2]
Teaching [B2]

2017-2020 Quadrennium:
All Areas [A3]

Databases, Directories and Indexers::

1) Periodicos Capes
3) Diadorim
4) Oasisbr

1) Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB)
2) Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (LATINDEX)- Catálogo 2.0
3) European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHPLUS)
4) Modern Language Association (MLA)
5) Asociación de Revistas Académicas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (LATINOAMERICANA)
6) WordlCat
7) Google Acadêmico
8) EBSCO Research Database
9) Red de repositorios de acceso abierto a la ciencia (LA Referencia)
10) Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP)
12) Dialnet
13) DOAJ

Subscriptions:Our journal is Open Access allowing the user also to have free access to all articles already published.

Fees: Travessias charges no fees for submitting manuscripts, nor fees for publishing its articles.

License: Copyright is distributed under the Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA - 4.0) license.

Submission: We have a "continuous" and "call for papers" submission system. In other words, manuscripts can be submitted at any time or can be submitted for specific dossiers for each issue, with a submission deadline. As soon as they are received, the referees will be assigned and, in case of approval, they will be incorporated in the next issue to be published (in the case of continuous flow). Manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and German are accepted.

Policy against Plagiarism: In order to prevent unethical practices, Travessias has adopted the requirement that, at the time of submission, in supplementary documents, the corresponding author attaches the analysis report of his manuscript to CopySpider software. If the manuscript is submitted without the report, the journal will notify the author of the need to send it and archive the submission. Travessias will review the submitted report and reserve the right to submit the manuscript for software review even if the report has been attached by the author.

Assessment: We adopt a policy of evaluating articles by the double-blind peer review system.


Submissão fechada para as seções de fluxo contínuo


[Comunicado Importante!]

Prezadas autoras e prezados autores,

Considerando a quantidade de artigos em nosso sistema submetidos para as seções de fluxo contínuo, e considerando que as avaliações dos manuscritos são realizadas por avaliadores ad hoc voluntários, informamos que, provisoriamente, a partir de hoje (19/04/2024), aceitaremos somente novas contribuições que estejam alinhadas à chamada de artigos para o Dossiê "Discurso e letramento literários e não-literários em contextos periféricos: narrativas, imaginários e experiências dentro e fora da Amazônia", com submissão até 12 de maio.

Esperamos poder reabrir as demais seções para novas submissões em breve.

Read more about Submissão fechada para as seções de fluxo contínuo

Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): Fluxo Contínuo
Published: 17-06-2024


  • Traces of a digital popular phraseology in circulation in brazilian dubbing

    Hertz Wendell de Camargo
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