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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All internet page addresses (URLs, DOIs) included in the text (e.g., are active and clickable.
  • The text is the result of my work (and that of the collaborators), allowing me (us) to publicly assume responsibility for its content. We understand that the text will be scanned and checked for unauthorized copies using the journal's plagiarism detection tool (CopySpider), and that, if any unauthorized copying is found, the submission will be summarily rejected.
  • In the case of original studies involving human subjects, we declare that the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of my institution and authorized by an official government institution.
  • The manuscript prepared for submission follows the Template format, with all its guidelines and recommendations adapted for presentation. It adheres to the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines section under About the Journal.
  • In the event of the article's acceptance by Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, I agree that the copyright will be distributed under the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), allowing full or partial reproduction, provided the source is cited.
  • The inclusion of authors after the article submission will not be accepted. Therefore, it is important for authors to review and complete the Declarations and submission metadata correctly at the time of submitting the article. All authors of the manuscript have an ORCID registration. Note: The ORCID identifier can be obtained at the ORCID Registry.
  • The manuscript is an original and unpublished work, and neither this manuscript, in part or in its entirety, nor any other work with substantially similar content authored by me/us, has been published or is under consideration for publication in another journal, whether in print or electronic format.
  • For Original Articles, Review Articles, Experience Reports, Essays, and Points of View, the manuscript must not exceed 6,000 words.
  • The authorship identification of this work has been removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word or Writer, thus ensuring the confidentiality criteria of the journal in case it is subjected to peer review (e.g., articles), in accordance with the instructions available in Ensuring a Blind Peer Review.

Author Guidelines


The formal presentation of the submission must adhere to the specifications listed below.

ATTENTION: To facilitate the article writing process, we recommend downloading the article template, which includes all the required standards for publication.

Failure to comply with the journal's guidelines may delay the evaluation process until the authors adjust their manuscript accordingly.

The Editorial Board of the Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte requires that all authors of submitted articles have an ORCID identifier and include it in the metadata at the time of submission (each author must provide their full ORCID URL, e.g.,, in the appropriate metadata field).

ATTENTION: The addition of authors after article submission will not be accepted. Therefore, it is essential that authors carefully check and complete the declarations and metadata during the submission process.

The Editorial Board of the Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte uses CopySpider software to screen all submitted manuscripts for potential unauthorized copies of other published documents (plagiarism or self-plagiarism) available online.


Page and Margins: A4 page format; top and left margins of 3.0 cm; right and bottom margins of 2.0 cm; footer at 1.5 cm.

Writing: The text must be written in Portuguese and prepared using Microsoft Word for Windows or OpenOffice (or in .RTF format), in Calibre font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing for the main text. Direct quotations exceeding three lines and notes should use Calibre font size 10 with 1.0 line spacing.

Word Count: All article types (Original Articles, Reviews, Experience Reports, Essays, and Points of View—see section policies) must not exceed 6,000 words.

Title, Abstract, and Keywords:

Titles in Portuguese (bold and lowercase letters) and English (lowercase letters);

Abstracts in Portuguese and English (maximum of 300 words);

Keywords: 3 to 5 descriptors in Portuguese and English. Preferably, these keywords should match the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS).

Sections (not numbered):






Author Identification and Qualification:
Information about the authors must not appear in the body of the manuscript. Instead, this information should be included in the metadata during submission, specifying the institutional affiliation of all authors (institution and acronym), postal address, the phone number of the submitting author, and email addresses for all authors. To ensure blind peer review, the submitted manuscript files must not contain information that could reveal the authors' identities.

Citations and References:
Citations must follow the Author-Date format (NBR 10520/2002), with corresponding references listed at the end of the text (NBR 10520/2023).

Examples of Citations and References:


In-text citations with lowercase letters:
"Motor learning, as Magill (2000, p. 136) explains, refers to 'a change in a person's capacity to perform a skill, which must be inferred as a relatively permanent improvement in performance due to practice or experience.'"

Parenthetical citations with uppercase letters:
"Motor learning refers to 'internal process changes determining the individual's ability to produce a motor action. The individual's level of motor learning improves with practice and is often inferred by observing relatively stable levels of motor performance' (Schmidt; Wrisberg, 2001, p. 190)."

For 2-3 authors or multiple works, separate with a semicolon:
(Moorman et al., 1992; Morgan; Hunt, 1994).

For more than three authors, use et al. in italics:
Both et al. (2007) observed...

Follow the APA style, listing all authors. For works with more than seven authors, list the first six, followed by an ellipsis (...), and then the last author.


Submissions are evaluated based on originality, objectivity, coherence, theoretical-methodological consistency, and compliance with the established technical standards. This process is conducted through a double-blind peer review policy.

Reviewers’ decisions may result in three outcomes:

Acceptable (accepted without revision);

Revisions Necessary (mandatory corrections required for acceptance);

Unacceptable (rejected outright).

Acceptance requires two favorable reviews during the first round or after revisions addressing reviewers' comments. If the two reviews conflict, a third reviewer will be assigned to assess the manuscript.


Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte operates on a "rolling submission" system, meaning manuscripts can be submitted at any time. Once submitted, they are assigned reviewers and, upon acceptance, incorporated into the next issue for publication.

Submissions must be made digitally through the SABER Portal (Electronic Journal Library Access System - SEER Platform) at the Western Paraná State University (Unioeste): Submission Portal.

Authors must register as "Authors" and follow the provided instructions during submission.


Authors must submit the Declaration of Authorship Responsibility (downloadable upon registration) and the Copyright Transfer Declaration, signed by all authors, assigning exclusive publication rights to the journal.

Declarations must be submitted digitally in .pdf format alongside the manuscript as supplementary documents.


Authors must provide a digital copy of the Research Ethics Committee (REC) approval, accredited by CONEP, as a supplementary document. This approval, including the CAAE and REC Approval Number, must also be included in the Methods section of the manuscript.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.