Analyzing emerging aspects and students' perceptions of a written production in pairs: an experience in an english language classroom


  • Laryssa Paulino de Queiroz Sousa
Supporting Agencies


Sociointeractionism, collaborative learning, written production in pairs.


The study at issue is guided by the sociocultural and interactionist perspective of language, focusing on the concepts of zone of proximal development (AHMED, 1994; ALJAAFREH; LANTOLF, 1994; DONATO, 2000; DUNN; LANTOLF; APPEL, 1994; VYGOTSKY, 1998), scaffolding (DONATO, 2000; FIGUEREDO, 2006; WOOD; BRUNER; ROSS, 1976) and collaborative learning (FIGUEIREDO, 2003, 2006; OXFORD, 1997), from an investigation carried out in an English language teaching and learning classroom, at a language center in Goiania. In this context, it was asked the students, by working in pairs, to develop a story based on pictures and to write it together. Thus, the study sought to analyze the main aspects that emerged from the interactions among the participating students and their perceptions regarding a writing activity in pairs. The investigation falls within the scope of qualitative research, as a case study, in which an initial questionnaire, audio recordings of the interactions between the pairs and an individual final interview about the experience were used as instruments. In summary, the data that stood out were collaboration and co-construction of knowledge, the use of metalinguistic resources, private speech, the regulation by the other, self-regulation, imitation and negotiation.


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How to Cite

PAULINO DE QUEIROZ SOUSA, L. Analyzing emerging aspects and students’ perceptions of a written production in pairs: an experience in an english language classroom. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 1, p. e13145, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

