The printed text to digital hypertext: literary do in the age of cyberculture


  • Adoniran Oliveira Leite
Supporting Agencies


Hipertextuality, reader. electronic literature, new technologies.


In the age of cyberculture, in which writing takes on new roles, a study on reading habits with the literary text and multimedia support on teaching reading, applied to students in elementary school of basic education, it is necessary. with the advent of new information and communication technologies (ICT), there are new handling settings in brackets where the texts appear, making these same texts assume new shapes, made possible by digital hypertext, so a process of writing/reading, no longer obeying the sole discretion of linearity, but presenting non-linearly and non-hierarchical, allowing the reader unrestricted access to other texts instantly. This paper discusses how the literary text reading teaching can be combined with the use of new information technologies and communication, using, therefore, hypertext as a tool to awaken in students the pleasure of literary reading. for the theoretical foundation, are mentioned discussions on hypertext (Levy, 1999; Xavier, 2009; Marcuschi, 2010); on the electronic literature (Hayles, 2009) and the role of reading and reader in hypertext format (Santaella, 2004; 2007; 2012).


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How to Cite

LEITE, A. O. The printed text to digital hypertext: literary do in the age of cyberculture. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 1, p. e13528, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

