The construction of a Didactic Sequence of the discursive legend genre using ICTs to develop literacy in elementary school


  • Madalena Benazzi Meotti
  • Greice da Silva Castela
Supporting Agencies


Didatic sequence, discursive gender legend, information technology and communication.


This article has the objective of submit a Didatic Sequence (DS) through the discursive gender legend for fifth grade students elementary school year. Ds this is directed to develop reading and writing and integrates New Features of Information Technology and Communication - ITC and Multiliteracies, enabling new circulation ways that gender, by the internet. This material educational integrates a thesis that we are developing in professional Mestrado Program In Letters (PROFLETRAS) the West State University Of Paraná (UNIOESTE) Cascavel campus. Technology is seen as element will contribute to that this process become significant and effective, being attractive for schoolchildren live in their everyday with ict. Our theoretical basis ARE BAKHTIN (2003), ROJO E MOURA (2012), CHARTIER (1999), DOLZ AND SCHENEWLY (2004), SOARES (2000), MARCUSCHI (2005), among others. Hope cooperate for others if teachers feel activated the develop and apply in your lessons that kind of educational proposal in perspective theoretical adopted and presented in this article.


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How to Cite

BENAZZI MEOTTI, M.; CASTELA, G. da S. The construction of a Didactic Sequence of the discursive legend genre using ICTs to develop literacy in elementary school. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 1, p. e13744, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

