Narrating time/life: theoretical reflections on the discursive experience of being in language


  • Gabriel Fortes Cavalcanti de Macêdo
Supporting Agencies


Narrativity, discourse, subjectivity, temporality, psychology


On the present paper it is briefly introduced the culturalistic perspective and its relevance towards the studies in Psychology, taking its historical dimension and also its mains characters who legitimated the linguistic turn into the psychological studies, I do not intend an exhaustive revision, but actually, define the horizons of the field. Using as an example it will be analyzed the discursive markers in the Portuguese Fado entitled “Vida vivida” [lived life] from Argentina Santos, discussing the subjective life materiality and the potential of artistic creation as analogous to real life subjectivity. It is seem that the uses of determined linguistic markers enables not only the textual construction (syntax and semantics relations), but also, the ways a person organize its own life (psychological subjective experience), as so, the social practices enabled by discursive organization (in pragmatic level), constituting one’s own life plot (as the textuality of human experience) as a form of self-narrative. Arguing, from the analyzed example, the importance of the experiential dimension of human life lived through language (as a poetic dimension of experience), and, perhaps, neglected in some perspectives of contemporary Psychology. It is also discussed the relevance of studying narratives in psychology, since it (the narrative) allows us construct realities, make sense and experience subjective life.


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How to Cite

MACÊDO, G. F. C. de. Narrating time/life: theoretical reflections on the discursive experience of being in language. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 1, p. e14310, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

