Educative practices for the eldery: a comparative study


  • Thereza Christina Gama
  • Alexsandra Rodrigues Amando
  • Bruna Coelho De Macedo
  • Glenda Katherine Silvestre da Silva
  • Edivaldo Xavier Da Silva Júnior
  • Clóvis Milton Duval Wannmacher
Supporting Agencies


Aging, education, asylum, teaching.


This study had the aim to carry out a comparison between old what survive educative practices and those who have not this existence, discussing different contexts with distinctions and similarities. It treats a comparative study, character exploratory, with quantitative approach, especially regarding the personal development. The studied population was composed by integrants of the Centre of Existence of the General Office of the Social Development and of the Work (SEDEST), of the open faculty of the third age (FATI) and what were residing at the geriatric home. The collection of data took place in the period of may, june and july of 2015 with application of initial and final questionnaire. It realized that most of the old ones are of the feminine sex, and they are in the age group between 50 and 70 years. Besides, the old ones that make part of the faculty opened to third age (FATI) are differentiated because of having bigger income and schooling. Regarding the form as they learnt on the existence of the FATI, geriatric house and centre of existence, the developed activities and the news brought to life of these old ones, they were obtained diversified good answers. So, it was noticed that the insertion of the old ones in different social contexts is made a list to his economic, social, and biological conditions. Besides, the place where they live or maintain interpersonal connections interfere straightly in the form like old those they live, and in for what they wait from the future.


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How to Cite

GAMA, T. C.; AMANDO, A. R.; DE MACEDO, B. C.; SILVESTRE DA SILVA, G. K.; DA SILVA JÚNIOR, E. X.; WANNMACHER, C. M. D. Educative practices for the eldery: a comparative study. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 2, p. e14660, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

