Diachronic study of semantics changes in prepositions of the Portuguese language


  • Albeiro Mejia Trujillo
  • Maria Francisca Ferreira Trujillo
Supporting Agencies


Diachronic, grammatization, morphology, syntactic, semantic, propositions.


Communication systems developed by human societies will complexifying within processes of slow and gradual changes. To know and understand the structure of a language, one must study the states of the object language understanding at various points in its history to later arrive at the diachronic analysis allows us to understand the changes as an evolutionary process. Many languages have become extinct and others are in the process of disappearing, however, languages with higher stability are those that were fixed in writing, reaching levels that allowed grammatization formalize structures, along with the systems and subsystems idiomatic. Prepositions, for example, are words that make up the structure of the Portuguese Language, as well as composing the morphological, syntactic and semantic systems of spoken and written language. Prepositions, in Portuguese, although no significance in themselves, are also part of the lexical and vocabular systems. The diachronic study of the prepositions in, on, by and per, in the Portuguese Language, serve as an example of the functioning of different connective within a language and how its structural role defines the syntactic and semantic categories within the language itself.


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How to Cite

TRUJILLO, A. M.; TRUJILLO, M. F. F. Diachronic study of semantics changes in prepositions of the Portuguese language. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e14692, 2016. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/14692. Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

