The work with the interpersonal conflicts in the school at constructivist perspective


  • Tamires Rodrigues Pereira
  • Maurício Bronzatto
  • Ricardo Leite Camargo
Supporting Agencies


Interpersonal conflicts. Resolution of conflicts. Moral development. Construction of rules. Autonomy.


Because the educators live daily with scenes of disrespect and incivilities, they, often exhausted, are asking about what to do. Meanwhile, in the institutions that prepare these professionals, little time is reserved to knowledge of how children and adolescents develops morally and therefore of how they build together the rules of a good relationship. Based on these concerns and thinking that the school has an important role in the moral formation of new generations, we propose this article, which aims to present, on one side, the way how educators, in general, deal with interpersonal conflicts in school routine and, on other side, constructivist perspective of working with these conflicts. We will show that teachers, in most cases, does not consider as one of its functions assist their students to live together better; the conflicts are seen as negative and unnatural, therefore they need to be contained or avoided; the focus is on the resolution, often by coercion, not on the process by which they learn rules and values and they acquire more respectful ways of living together. Thus, procedures that bring temporary results, but do not educate for autonomy, are used. We will seek also to recognize the influence of the school environment in the way how the students relate and deal with their conflicts. This article provides support to the work of the teacher who, though often elects how educational objective prepare his students for autonomy, demonstrates, in practice, ignore the procedures of moral education that could help him in this intention.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, T. R.; BRONZATTO, M.; CAMARGO, R. L. The work with the interpersonal conflicts in the school at constructivist perspective. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e14770, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.

