Literacy processes with deaf student: case Murilo


  • Gabriela De Moraes Chaves
  • Berenice de Moraes Chaves
  • Diovana Santos dos Santos
  • Emiliana Faria Rosa
Supporting Agencies


Literacy, sig language, new literacies.


This study arose from the need to understand the process of acquisition of Portuguese writing through the practices of literacy for deaf students which have Pounds as their first language and second, the Portuguese. The main objective of this study was to analyze social practices of Literacy contributes in building student writing deaf from the genus letter. The survey was conducted with a deaf student in the 8th grade, elementary school, located in the municipality of Bagé-RS. With this research, we stress the importance of support and encouragement, family and school teaching so that the student can be literate and not only decode or encode the code of the Portuguese language. Stands out, however, that the level of literacy of the deaf student is the result mainly of your willpower and dedication to learn Portuguese and does not influence the teacher. In this sense, though Murilo cannot write using the gender card, the data collected by means of a written work showed evidence of the profile marked by truths revealed, dreams and desires. The results presented here show that there is an explicit awareness of the student as to value pounds, your L1. Also indicate your desire to want to exercise a profession, from actions already implemented, especially when reveals how reads and want to continue reading, seeking information.


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How to Cite

CHAVES, G. D. M.; CHAVES, B. de M.; DOS SANTOS, D. S.; FARIA ROSA, E. Literacy processes with deaf student: case Murilo. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15088, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

