Continued training of teachers for the use of technologies: challenges and possibilities


  • Cyntia Simioni França
  • Okçana Battini
Supporting Agencies


Teacher training, pedagogical practices, information and communication technology.


In this article we present a research project entitled Professor Seu Lugar is Here, developed in partnership between the Masters in Teaching Methodologies and three public schools in the city of Londrina - Paraná, from 2013. We made a cut to present only the first stage of the Project, which consisted only at that moment in listening to teachers' experiences about technologies and their formative processes and also to raise their needs about this issue in the school space. We had the participation of 76 teachers who shared their experiences, revealing that in most cases, there is a gap between the courses offered by the Regional Teaching Centers and the pedagogical practice of the teacher. In addition, there is a trend of instrumentalist courses that focus on technique by technique. In this sense, it is questioned the continuous formation of teachers, as well as, the aspects involved in this formation. There are still models (instrumental and / or technical) of training, carried out by means of courses to which theoretical and methodological discussions are given to the teachers. That is, formative proposals centered on theories, decontextualized from practice and many of them, disregard the reality of the school and the subjects that occupy the school space.


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How to Cite

FRANÇA, C. S.; BATTINI, O. Continued training of teachers for the use of technologies: challenges and possibilities. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15265, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

