The discursive properties of the popular quatrains


  • Wildman dos Santos Cestari
  • Miriam Bauab Puzzo
Supporting Agencies


Discursive Genre, Concrete Statement, Popular Quatrains.


The central theme of this research is the study of the genre, more specifically, it delimits the study of the discursive aspects that characterize the popular quatrains. In general, it seeks to reflect on the popular genre in order to understand, essentially, how discursively it is characterized. Specifically, it is verified how the popular "Batatinha, when it is born" character is characterized, observing aspects related to the stylistic instability of the form that composes the genre as well as thematic, enunciative and compositional aspects. Methodologically, it is a bibliographical research that qualitatively describes the determinate corpus. In these conditions, this article presents the concepts of discourse gender and the dialogic function of language according to the theoretical presuppositions of Bakhtin and his Circle. It is concluded, therefore, that thepopular quatrains, in view of the enunciator's communicative intentionality, of the situations of enunciation, of the evaluative tones and of the thematic meanings that cover it discursively and stylistically, is characterized as one of the modalities of the genre of discourse.


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How to Cite

CESTARI, W. dos S.; PUZZO, M. B. The discursive properties of the popular quatrains. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15274, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.

