Analysis and study of spelling problems in textual productions of students from the 6º grade of the fundamental school


  • Nadieli Mara Hullen Gerei
Supporting Agencies


Speaking, writing, linguistic variation, orthography.


In this article we present the Master’s research initial results about spelling problems in written productions of students from the 6º grade of the fundamental school. With the inquiry: which hypothesis and routes the students follow to use the written code in their textual productions, considering the writing knowledge and the meddling phenomenon of the speaking? We sought for answers, having as the general objective to develop some reflections about the school’s role in multilingual contexts, and about the necessity of having some teaching methodology, which look on linguistic variation and on linguistic changing phenomenon as subjects that reaffirm the speaker’s identity. This is a research based on Applied Linguistics and Sociology of Language, with Variationist Sociolinguistic methodological contribution. For theoretical discussions, we based ourselvesespecially on Bagno (2002, 2007), Bortoni-Ricardo (2006, 2010), Cagliari (1994), Mollica (2003), Mollica et al. (2008), Oliveira (1989, 2005), among others. After the theoretical foundation, we present the Methodology, which, in a qualitative way, describes the generation and treatment of the data. For this work two text generation were made, in order to elaborate a Teaching Unit to be applied at school. Among the analyzed data up to the moment, and basing ourselves at the theoretical reflections that guide this work, it is possible we assert that the speaking meddling at the writing is frequent in the productions; it is common to find spelling problems, considering that the students use their speaking as a parameter to the writing activity and to the written code’s arbitrariness.


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How to Cite

HULLEN GEREI, N. M. Analysis and study of spelling problems in textual productions of students from the 6º grade of the fundamental school. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15634, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.

