The importance of school as an ideal place for the formation and social ascension of the subjects in the South Western Amazon


Supporting Agencies


Life stories, teacher training, teacher training program, insertion in teaching.


The present work has as objective describe a study about trajectory the life history of the academics of the Pedagogy course of the Federal University of Acre / UFAC, city Feijó Unit in the state of Acre. The proposal starts from the need of the students of the Pedagogy course of the Basic Education Teachers' Training Program - PARFOR to complete their course with the presentation of the Bachelor Dissertation. Therefore, the following specific objectives were identified: (I) to identify the contribution of the school to the formation of the subject and (II) to analyze the process of social ascension through the school. This work makes a reflection on the teaching practice, thus opening the way for other professionals to see the importance of this methodology. Thus a certain reflexive analysis discuss: (i) trajectory of school education, (ii) insertion in teaching, (iii) experiences and practice in teaching and (iv) professional development process, enabling the construction of a professional capable of dealing with the difficulties in the educational area. The methodology used for the development of the work consists of the qualitative research constructed from the autobiographical accounts of the subject. Thus, in this study, reflections, discussions and "outbursts" about the authors' personal experiences are presented, confirming the importance of the school as a decisive and emancipatory factor for the formation and social ascension of the subjects. To undertake a certain reflection has how aport theorist: Chizzotti (2005); Josso (2004); Rodrigues e Gabriel (2003); Vasconcelos (2003); Pimenta (2007); Ludke e Boing (2004); Veiga (2010); Imbernón (2016).


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Author Biography

Pierre André Garcia Pires, Universidade Federal do Acre- UFAC

Professor da Universidade Federal do Acre.

Centro de Educação Letras e Artes- CELA

Programa de Pós- Graduação Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática.

Avaliador do INEP para acões de atos regulatórios

Dr. em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná


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How to Cite

PIRES, P. A. G. The importance of school as an ideal place for the formation and social ascension of the subjects in the South Western Amazon. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 13, n. 1, p. e21515, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.

