Repercussions of violence in the school community on the mental health of basic education teachers and strategies for coping them
Strategies, Teacher, Education, HealthAbstract
Social changes have brought with them an increase in violence inside and outside the school, and with it the negative impacts on the mental health of the professionals who work there. It is based on this premise that this study aims to: identify the negative repercussions on the mental health of basic education teachers and possible strategies for coping with violence experienced by teachers in the school community. The methodology used was a study on the subject on the Scielo, PubMed platforms and on the VHL portal, pointing out that one of the causes of dissatisfaction and removal from work functions performed by education professionals is the violence that exists within the school environment and causing mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and burnout syndrome. It is concluded that intervention measures in schools must be taken to prepare these professionals to face situations of violence, as well as the creation of permanent programs to combat violence within the school environment.
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