“I am Indian, me!”
the presence of amazonian subjectivity in the oral genre “stand-up comedy”
Discourse analysis, stand-up comedy, Amazonian cultural identityAbstract
The goal of this essay is to examine how the funny language that makes up the oral form of "stand-up comedy," which is extensively shared through social networks, influences how the Amazonian cultural identity is represented. As a result, this article encourages observations on the subjectivity that unites the northern area of Brazil while also demonstrating how it has been represented and contacted in modern times via digital platforms like YouTube. This analysis was based on discussions of the traits of the oral stand-up comedy subgenre (Mintz, 1985; Degani, 2018) and the evolution of the Amazonian cultural identity (Gondim, 2007; Benchimol, 2021). Additionally, because the study is based on French Discourse Analysis (ADF), it is backed by research techniques created by Pêcheux (2008) and applied by Orlandi (2015) and Freire (2021). As a result, the stand-up comedy videos "I'm Indian, me!" and "Jokes queue, city - Manaus" were employed as the research corpus. Findings that indicate the existence of two discourses—the cosmopolitan and the caboclo—that make up the subjectivity of the country's northern region, defining and reiterating the Amazonian cultural identity even in a digital environment laced with laughter from stand-up comedy.
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