A filosofia semântica tradicional

uma abordagem entre Frege e Russell


  • Bruno Fernandes de Oliveira




Frege, Russell, Semântica, Sentido, Referência


ABSTRACT: This article's purpose is to introduce the understanding of Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) with regards to sense (Sinn) and reference (Bedeutung) of names and complete assertive sentences, and the criticism that Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) makes to the fregean sense, which in summary says that a sentence does not have sense as Frege proposes, it just denotes it. The research shall be carried out through the work On the Sense and Reference - Über Sinn und Bedeutung – [2009 (1892)], where Frege proposes a distinction between the terms and of the work On Denoting – [1978 (1905)], where Russell sustains that an expression only denotes. It is not my intention to do a thorough approach, but to present the distinction betweeen sense and reference to Frege, and analyze how Russel tried to solve the fregean semantic paradox. It is in this direction that this article will be developed.



How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, B. F. de. A filosofia semântica tradicional: uma abordagem entre Frege e Russell. Alamedas, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, 2015. DOI: 10.48075/ra.v3i2.12793. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/alamedas/article/view/12793. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.



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