Information Society and the General Data Protection Law within the scope of Labor Law




This research aimed to investigate the impetus for the creation of the General Data Protection Law in the face of the advancement of the information society, as well as to analyze its need for implementation in the protection of data provided in the work environment. By examining the development of current society and economy, as well as the exposure of individuals’ data, the objective is to study the safeguarding of the personal rights and the interference of new informational perspectives on individuals’ capacity for self-determination from the perspective of Labor Law. Additionally, the role of compliance in the corporate business environment will be examined to ensure the preservation of rights and to prevent irregularities.


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How to Cite

LEMES, A. H.; ARAUJO, B. de F. de. Information Society and the General Data Protection Law within the scope of Labor Law. Ciências Sociais Aplicadas em Revista, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 45, p. 247–260, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/csar.v25i45.31605. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Artigos de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Direito (Interdisciplinar)